
Conférence d'Henri Galland : Le Mahabharata, épopée mythique de la culture

  • Crédits photo : Nicole Pastoré Crédits photo : Nicole Pastoré
  • Crédits photo : SEHN Crédits photo : SEHN
  • Crédits photo : Nicole Pastoré
  • Crédits photo : SEHN

The Society for Historical and Natural Studies organises monthly lectures throughout the year. These lectures are open to all and cover a wide range of subjects.

The lecture
The Mahãbhãrata, an epic of Indian mythology with two hundred and fifty thousand verses, is considered to be the greatest poem ever composed. The importance for Hinduism of this epic tale of war between two sets of cousins is comparable to that of the Bible for Christians.
A source of living water for poets, the Mahãbhãrata is one of the most important and influential works of Indian and world literature. This epic addresses a multitude of philosophical, moral and ethical issues. It is an encyclopaedia of the Indian soul and ancient Indian culture. It presents universal values and lessons that are still relevant today. It is an opportunity to enrich your understanding of the world and humanity.
Everything that is in the Mahãbhãrata is also elsewhere; what is not in the poem is nowhere.

The speaker
Computer engineer specialising in large-scale systems maintenance. He is drawn to the founding texts of civilisations that are too often misunderstood or misrepresented, and which offer clues to help us better understand our difficulties as human beings.

Opening times

On 28/09/2024 at 4pm.

Rankings and labels :

  • Adhérents


  • Free

Conférence d'Henri Galland : Le Mahabharata, épopée mythique de la culture
Salle d'honneur de la Mairie
Place de l'Hôtel de Ville
71460 Saint-Gengoux-le-National